I decided to piggyback on to Kellie's post about the Russian Creme with a few other easy treats I've made recently. The last week of school for me was a blur. At one point I counted 9 different events that I had to make a treat for! Insane!
I made these Cookie Dough Truffles
Veggies and Dip for an end of year school party.
Can you say NO DOUBLE DIPPING!! Hooray!
My kids teachers made out like Bandits this year. In addition to the "2 things" gift I gave them a few weeks before school got out, I gave my elementary kids teachers, choir and Piano Teachers this cute berry basket. I got the idea from eighteen25. Love that blog!
For the teacher appreciation luncheon I helped with, I made these cute cookie favors for the teachers to bring home. Here is the template from Nothing but Country if you'd like to make your own!
They also got to bring home a lemonade -
With everything happening I am SO glad that it's summer and I can finally rest!.....yeah right!

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